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Blog 4 Consider the Lobster

Consider the Lobster, by David Foster Wallace is a well written article about all different types of information on the world famous Surf and Turf meal on many restaurants. This article actually struck me surprisingly because I would have never known how important lobster is to many Americans, and the traditions and festivals that lobsters are extremely vital towards.

This article definitely could be a research paper and a very good one to, I might add... It contains useful background information and logistics about Lobsters that could be used in a well written Research essay. Wallace opens up his article with some personal insight towards the Maine Lobster Festival which gave me some perspective on how the article was going to be carried out. He goes into the history of the Lobster festival, then explains the physical attributes of the lobster, and in an unexpected twist shares the real truth behind what everyone is really thinking; when they eat this tasteful seafood creature. In an effort to share the history behind Lobster cooking and the traditions associated with it, it made Wallace's choice of genre easier to agree with. Its never something you say out loud but I've always that about what people think about the idea of cooking an animal alive and then consuming it with a puddle of butter for our stomaches pleasure. In an ironic twist, thinking about the buttery and delicious taste of consuming Lobster actually ends up upsetting my stomach rather than putting me at ease. Even though the thought of eating another animal can make you feel edgy, and uncomfortable; meats and seafood consumption are a personal choice. I myself, will always eat these foods because they are tasty, and most are even good for you. With that being said, this article did allow me to form a personal opinion, but also helped me think about a guideline in which I will form my research paper.

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