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Blog 3 "Plagiarism"

Plagiarism is the action of taking someone else's work or ideas and using them as your own in any way, shape, or form. Over the years I have learned that plagiarism is not only frowned upon, but it's actually in most cases, worse to plagiarize than to actually forget to do the assignment at all. Now obviously some would object and say well "wouldn't you rather get a portion of a grade and take the risk?". Well, actually no. From a writers perspective, one should take pride in their work and the words they put on paper to really create something special. If you aren't using your own work, then is it really special at all? People shouldn't avoid plagiarism just because its frowned upon and you can get into some trouble because of it. Don't plagiarize because in your heart you know it's wrong. You should want to have some integrity and feel satisfied by your own work rather than copy and pasting from someone else. There's very little room for negotiation when it comes to plagiarism. Nowaday's teachers and professors can run an essay or any work through a database that will search the entire web for any of the same sentences or phrases you may have included in your essay. Of course there are times when you can mistakenly include something from the internet word for word and not even realize it already pre-existed. But for the most part, you know if you are plagiarizing or not, and you have to live with the consequences for those actions.

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